Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Blanket Purchasing Agreement & Requisition Creation from iProcurement in EBS

To create a Requisition from iProcurement in EBS follow the below mentioned steps.
  • As iProcurement doesn't provide the options to add a supplier,supplier site, line type and price at the time of creating Requisition, we need to create a Blanket PO Agreement where we can mention all the above mentioned details with the corresponding Item.
  • Create a Blanket PO Agreement(BPA) as mentioned in below snapshots.Navigation : Purchasing Vision Operations --> Purchase Order. Fill all the required data and Type should be Blanket Purchase Agreement

  • Navigate to the iProcurement -> iProcurement Home page. Search the Blanket Purchasing Agreement and then click on to Add to cart Button. It adds the corresponding item to cart. Here we can search multiple BPA and add them to cart. Then click the View cart and Checkout button. 

  •   Change the quantity, Need by date, Requester etc information as per requirement and click on Submit button. It submits the requisition for approval and shows the status of the requisition.

  • After submission of the inforamtion it will shows the status and created requisition number.

  • We can checkout the same requisition by clicking the Requisition tab. It will shows all the requisitions created so far on EBS.

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