Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Deployment of OAF Pages In EBS R12

Below are the brief steps to deploy OAF pages in Oracle Apps Environment.

Step1: Create OAF Pages in Local Maschine:-

We create our projects in 'jdevhome/jdev/myprojects folder.
Folder structure to be followed while creating our application is :-
  • To store VO(View Objects), VL(View Links) and AM(Application Module) we follow : jdevhome/jdev/myprojects/oracle/apps/xxcll/employee/server
  • To store EO(Entity Objects) we follow: jdevhome/jdev/myprojects/oracle/apps/xxcll/employee/schema/server
  • To store our XML pages/regions and Controllers (CO) we follow:  jdevhome/jdev/myprojects/oracle/apps/xxcll/employee/webui
Note: Here xxcll is a custom application top which needs to created before starting the development of our custom application. Click here to see how to create/register Custom Top in EBS R12.

Step2: Transfer source code/files to Oracle Apps Environment.:-

Once the development is done transfer all the source code in Oracle Apps Environment in $JAVA_TOP using FTP tool.

Step3: Compiling Java Files:-
  • Log in to EBS server using putty(any Linux tool) as applmgr user.
  • Source EBS Apps environment variable by moving to APPL_TOP directory as shown below. 

  • Navigate to JAVA_TOP by executing :- cd $JAVA_TOP
  • Navigate throughout the code directory being transferred and compile all the java files by executing:
          javac <filename>.java  or javac *.java

Step4: Importing xml Files:-

Run the import scripts for all the pages and regions.

Import command for Pages is :

java $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/xxcll/employee/webui/EmpSearchPG.xml -username apps -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST =$EBS_HOST_NAME)(PORT =$EBS_DB_PORT))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID =$EBS_DB_SID)))" -rootdir $JAVA_TOP 

 Import command for Region is :

java $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/xxcll/employee/webui/EmpLovRN.xml -username apps -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST =$EBS_HOST_NAME)(PORT =$EBS_DB_PORT))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID =$EBS_DB_SID)))" -rootdir $JAVA_TOP

Step5: Bounce EBS server:-

Bouncing the server is most important after the deployment. Steps to bounce the server are detailed below:

  • Navigate to ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME directory by executing:                                                   cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
          Make sure that EBS Apps environment is sourced.
  • Stop all the services by executing: ./ apps/apps
  • While executing above script if you get any status other than 0 then you have to manually kill the running services.
  • Start the services by executing: ./ apps/apps

Step6: Registering xml pages in APPS:-

Log in to EBS through operations/welcome user.

Navigation: System Administrator > Application > Function


  • In description tab provide the desired values for Function, User Function Name and Description(optional) as shown in below snapshot.

  • In Properties tab select 'SSWA jsp function' as Type.

  • In Web HTML tab provide the jsp page url and save the record
          URL: OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/xxcll/employee/webui/EmpSearchPG

This complets the registration of your OAF page in Oracle APPS.
Furthur you can attach your Functions to desired Menu and run it from respective responsibility.

Please give your feedback on this post.

Happy Coding........ :) 


  1. Hi i'm new to oracle apps i need to register a jsp page in oracle apps.
    is jsp page also a oaf page. if i follow above steps for jsp page it will work or any changes is there for jsp page registration in oracle apps

    Thank you

  2. good.
    is it same for 12.2??

  3. good.
    is it same for 12.2??
